
Frugal living at it's finest

I wish I could buy everyone a copy of "America's Cheapest Family" and "Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half" (both by Steve & Annette Economides).  They should be on the shelf of every American family! You won't BELIEVE the wide variety of information these people offer! Visit them at http://www.americascheapestfamily.com/ .  And don't blame me when they change your life!


I have wanted to start a blog for FOREVER now, but it would seem that mommyhood has gotten in my way! Well, my youngest is 1 now, so I have no more excuses... hopefully this won't be in vain! Surely I have lots of advice to offer people (ha!). I believe everyone should work toward the greater good of all mankind, and I would like to reach as many people as possible on here. Here we go!